A lovely walk on the heights of Fribourg (Switzerland)

Fribourg / Freiburg is a city for which I always feel the need to specify “in Switzerland” when I talk about it, to avoid confusion with Freiburg in Germany. Two different cities, however both founded by the Zähringer family during the 12th century! I really like the two cities, but it’s the Swiss Fribourg I…

Hidden highlights of Bern (Switzerland)…

I was back in Bern on Saturday and I realised it was my first time to be there while shops were open! My previous visits were in the evening, on a Sunday or on a bank holiday. I was therefore happy to walk around the city less this time and take a leasurely look at…

Tip#1 for coping with ice cream shop Winter breaks

Since October I’ve been getting many notifications in my news feeds about this and that ice cream shop going on Winter break (in Europe). We will have to wait patiently until March / April 2019 before they open again… That seems such a long time… what should we do: shall we quit ice cream until…

24h in Bern, the beautiful capital of Switzerland

Have you also noticed how the trips you look forward to the most are often the ones that turn into travel fiascos?! I didn’t take many days off during the summer months, so my only holiday trip to a “new” place was to Switzerland for a wedding. I had planned to travel to Bern by train: the trip was…